V600 CUP

Anyone from here? Looks stunning at the end.

Nice chap called Gary, did a TD at brands with him… Nice car that he pedals pretty well!!!

I watched a bit of the vid and it sounded like Terry Christian had got into car detailing :laughing:

It did look great at the end.

Road registered V6 Cup with the Cup R Aero. Looks brilliant. I didn’t think lotus would add the aero to the road V6? I suppose they’ll do whatever you want…at Lotus prices.

Want to do the same to mine, just cant bring myself to cut holes in the rear clam!!!

How’s your car doing Dave? They’re an impressive looking thing.

I’ll do it :mrgreen:

Not the dremel :open_mouth:

He’ll probably use the ‘reverse into a post’ method… :laughing: :laughing:


Now its been ‘adjusted’ to my liking its ace…
Done Brands GP, Donington national and on Friday I am going to Croft.
Done loads of tweaks with many more planned…
So want the Cup R aero kit, may be I should buy a motorsport rear clam from Lotus (1/2 the price of the road clam!!!)
I am also very very tempted with the SSC TVS 1900 supercharger upgrade, need to get a proper silencer fitted to keep the beasty a bit quitter, booked in for the 21st Nov to get the first one built and fitted for testing

As standard, how are they for heatsoak?

The things that have bugged me about 2-Eleven ownership which would put me off buying another lotus is heatsoak, tall / weak gears (which I’ve rectified) and sloppy gear mechanism.
I’ve spent most of my ownership prioritising and fixing things that lotus should have got right with the S2 to begin with.

I drove a 350 sport roadster a couple of months ago and it was lovely.

Charge cooler is the only fix for heatsoak on an S2

It is unfortunately. A fairly big investment too

What does that do to its thirst?? You’ll be limited by tank size soon.

Hahahaha thirst yeah whatever :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
6 mpg at Donington a couple of weeks ago… :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Just finishing the install of a 60ltr tank and then a trackday tomorrow at Croft, wonder if I can make it worse than 6 mpg…I will try my best

Good effort. Best I got was 6.7 mpg at Anglesey, and a pathetic 7.4 this year :unamused:

I know someone who would be over the moon with 6 mpg on track!! :smiley: :smiley:

Mine is about 6.5 mpg on track. if my sums are right the F1 boys need to average 9mpg even with the power they are running. Lot of energy being wasted somewhere on our cars. Maybe it’s the flame thrower :slight_smile:

F1 cars are probably way leaner, plus fuel probably more calorific. Also they’re harvesting turbo energy too, instead of using a wastegate.