User Names

Hi All,Is it just me or did anyone else have this site flip on them yesterday?? Whilst on line and trying to submit a post, I lost several message groups entirely, (now re-appeared) but most annoyingly my user name and password seems to he been wiped hence I’m back with a modified user name and as a junior member- What’s happening David? Did I do something wrong? I hope there’s nothing wrong 'cause I couldn’t manage without RegardsMike

Mike,Its done it to 5 of my logins now [image][/image]Phil

Mike/Phil, same problem hereerm…has this board any LOTUS technology-links? [image][/image]later,Bruno

Hi guys,Had the same.Just managed to resurrect from the dead.Dave made me the favour (on request) of erasing my username(s) and I created my Uldis usename again.Now I have to start postingto get rid of the Junior status.Cheers,Uldis

he-he…a lot of junior members on here… [image][/image] [image][/image]

So David, how about sorting out the rest of us then ?Please [image][/image]Phil

but Phil, don’t you like the “female touch” [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]

Oh yes mmmmm, mind you the panties are getting a bit tight now [image][/image]

[image][/image]oi Phil, do you know when Emerald are operational in Thetford?later,Bruno

No mate, not sure on the date, but they are in the process of moving now.The rolling road will have some new software when i get there on the 4th March, here is the new address…Unit 6, Norwich Road Industrial Estate, Watton, Norfolk IP25 6DR

cheers, Phil, looking forward to your results [image][/image]will give them a bell,need a booking beginning of maylater,Bruno

Phil, will be there on the 2.5.03hopefully, you can join in [image][/image]later,Bruno

Hopefully i can be there [image][/image]

I’ve had to re-register etc.Looking at the registration process, it says that it only keeps your details for 12 months. - could that be the answer David?Phil GT

Don’t think so, I just subscribed first time around June.And I had the same problem.Uldis

quote:Looking at the registration process, it says that it only keeps your details for 12 months. - could that be the answer David?Nah, the reason is the machine this site resides on ran out disk space and the user table became corrupted.Sorry !

Davidhardly think an apology is in order given the setup of the site…but don’t let it happen again :wink: