Just realised I wanted these for the rear on mine, but I don’t have time over the winter to do the rear caliper conversion as these won’t fit with the standard handbrake caliper (I run 2 pots on the rear for the normal brakes)) so I looked at the 290’s you have for sale but the bells look like the Elisparts ones not the AP like these have (not enough bolt holes) or am I mistaken?
Had never spotted that the rear bells were different to the fronts in all honesty. Having looked at my new discs and old it seems the rears only have 8 bolts… checked this against my new discs as well.
Here are my new AP290s on floating bells… only replaced my old ones as the new discs came on the bells at a VERY good price as part of a whole deal on a brake upgrade to the fronts.
now I’m not sure what to do, the discs look very 2nd hand, but I am really after the bells, I’ll have to do some maths to see what my best path to go is, I only want the bells to use 308mm discs on the rear, I was going to get new fronts and put my used ones on the back. But by the time I have spent �225 on yours it might be cheaper just to buy new discs and bells for the front…
Argh my brain hurts, I’m going to have a little lay down
The rear 290mm discs have a fair bit of meat left on them, but the bells aren’t suitable to AP295 or 308mm. The front bells won’t work with AP308mm discs as they have a different PCD, they will however work with Alcon 308mm discs.