Uploading images help needed

Its a long time since I uploaded images and the latest IMGUR? system seems beyond me !!!
Cant find anything in search…

Want to include some images in my for sale ad.


Switch to the full editor. Select the button which looks like a old floppy disc, black with a green dot, it will ask you to pick a picture from your phone. Done!

Thanks I will try.!

No joy my pix are in my PC I just get imgur which is out of my ability zone!!!

Maybe I should just offer to send pix via email to interested if any Peeps.

Click on 'Full Editor & Preview", and once you see that, click on the Imgur icon as you see in the screenshot below and then choose the image file stored on your PC - there may be a slight pause whilst the image loads:

You should then see something like this appear:

If you hit ‘Preview’ you should see the image you just loaded. If you don’t see it then the fault is likely to be with the image you are trying to load, so make sure that the image file (e.g. .jpg or .png, etc) can be viewed on your PC first.

thank you I will keep trying although Series-one has done a good job form…thanks all.