Ultima, Morgan, Loti..and a Hillman Imp!

Bit of video from Knockhill last night…

Take care,


Knockhill, dry,

The Imp must have been on an in lap - else you’d never have got by!

Hey Clive,

Hope to see you in June

Take care,

I’m fully booked in for June:-

Track evening on the Friday,
Convoy from Bo’ness to Duns on the Saturday,
Track ‘session’ and full parade thingy on the Sunday.

Trying to do the full Exige experience by travelling up from south London with a passenger and camping gear (got Tut on the case to get permission to sleep under canvas for all three nights at the circuit).

Track looks cool, I can’t wait. May be I can follow you 'round, and you can show me the correct lines (that blind crested right-hander looks a bit scarey)?

Look forward to seeing you, and all of the other Scotty fellas.
