Tyre wear

Hi chaps & chapessesFirst post, so forgive me if question been asked before.How much tyre wear should I expect(Fr&Rr)with an “enthusistic driving style” @ Elvington on Saturday? (First airfield track day)P.S. Does anybody adjust tyre pressures for such events?

Hi S111AGY.I’m sure Pesky et al. can fill you in on the details re: tyres.Just popped in to say that I’ll be there on Saturday in the blue Skyline (reg: MX51…) if you want to say “hi”

S111AGYI presume that you will be at the Wrights tomorrow?Ifso, we can have a chat about tyres & Elvington etc.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Pesky:S111AGYI presume that you will be at the Wrights tomorrow?Ifso, we can have a chat about tyres & Elvington etc. [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/rolleyes.gif[/image] sorry couldn’t make it tonight, but would appreciate your comments b4 saturday [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/confused.gif[/image]

S111AGYBloody youngsters - your dad made to the Wrights, so why didn’t you? [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image]Steve Green, is probably the best man to give you advice, as he knows Elvington well. The following is my personal opinion:Tyre wear - all depends how long you drive on the circuit, whether it’s dry or wet, & whether or not you do any “gooning” i.e. powerslides on opposite lock smokin’ the tyres! In a worst case scenario, I reckon you could wear out a set of rears in a day, but knowing how much care you take of your car, I would expect you to perhaps use up to a couple of mms of tread. The fronts will probably stand up pretty well!I’ve only been to Elvington once, & spent about an hour driving it in the wet - fantastic fun & next to no tyre wear! Tyre pressures - consensus seems to be keep them at the recommended levels i.e. 23 front, 26 rear. However, some people put an extra couple psi in - probably best if you experiment, if you’re not happy with the car’s handling with the normal pressures.Elvington circuit - again only a personal opinion, but I have no desire to drive there in the dry - flat & featureless (it is an airstrip after all!), but I did like it in the wet, as you can throw the car around without fear of hitting anything, or incurring excessive mechanical/tyre wear. Give me a circuit like Oulton, Cadwell, Anglesey or Donington any day [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image] Others prefer an airfield as there are less obstacles to hit if you lose control.Stonechips - I fear that that there is more potential for this on an airfield, than on a traditional circuit.Hope this is of some help - enjoy your day out & let us know how you get on [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image]

I, however, shall be attempting to take a set of tyres from new to dead in less than a day [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/smile.gif[/image] (or is that [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/frown.gif[/image] )[This message has been edited by Admin5 (edited 04 April 2002).]

David - i shall be attempting the reverse - taking a slick (and I mean slick) set of AO39’s and returning them to life.Elvington is heavy on tyre wear especially the front and rear nearsides (it is always run clockwise for the day, although there have been suggestions about reversing it for the afternoon…this would suit exige tyre wear but i think everyone else prefers to stick with the morning format as they have learnt the lines etc).It is easy to ruin, rather than wear out evenly, a set in less than a day (I speak from experience!) so its best to keep strickly to the 15-20 mins sessions (hard if its open pit lane) and then warm them up progressively over 5 laps, do 5 hard charging laps, a couple of laps concentrating on just a couple of cornders, and then its time to cool down and return to pits…Regarding tyre pressures, at the last event I put an extra 5psi in all tyres and it did seem to improve wear…i will have a pump at the event that anyone can borrow…Stonechips - easy really in that you only really get them on the front clam from following to closely to another car…your choice - chase him round the slow cornders where you can’t overtake anyway or back off a bit and find your own space further back…one real word of caution the self destructing rear clamshell issue raises its ugly head here - either fit front mudflaps or use the rar clam protectors or better still do both…and bestest of all do both and then apply liberal amounts of tank tape!!!Finally, dont get too worried about tyre wear, they are a consumable and a philisophical approach (like david’s) will mean that you enjoy using the car to its full potential…I assure you you will be amazed at what the car will do.Final tip - make sure you keep old tyres when they are down to legal limits, buy an old/spare set of rims and then you have a worry free way of finishing them off on trackdays…

Steve, Pesky - thanks for the sound advice!!Look forward to speaking to you on Saturday Steve. Reason for the question about tyre wear - rear tyres quite low on tread anyway - is it worth changing for new before going up, or what’s the script with getting them changed up there, as I have some new ones I can take with me? Is there a good supply locally of our favourite go-go juice? [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/tongue.gif[/image] [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/tongue.gif[/image] [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/tongue.gif[/image]

quote:Originally posted by stevegreen:Regarding tyre pressures, at the last event I put an extra 5psi in all tyres and it did seem to improve wear…i will have a pump at the event that anyone can borrow…All excellent tips Steve !If I can be cheeky, I’ll take you up on the offer of the tyre-pump to get less traction + increase longevity [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image]As for go-go juice, it’s about 15 minutes away (if you need super unleaded). Leave the circuit, turn left, get onto the main road after a few miles, go over the dual-carriageway/motorway roundabout and into town. There’s a Shell about 3 miles along on the right.If you’re bringing a support car, I can recommend bringing a couple of Jerry cans (�25 each from Halfords) which saves you no-end of hassle getting fuel.[This message has been edited by Admin5 (edited 05 April 2002).]

quote:Originally posted by Admin5: All excellent tips Steve ![This message has been edited by Admin5 (edited 05 April 2002).]As we all seem to be being very nice to each others…yours aren’t bad either…I’ve never run on super unleaded and may well give it a go.PS - Don’t forget the jelly babies!!!

quote:Originally posted by S111AGY1:is it worth changing for new before going up, or what’s the script with getting them changed up there, as I have some new ones I can take with me? Difficult call on tyres…I would not want to ruin a new set of tyres, however, I would not want to attempt to run home on a slick set either…I assume that you are trailering your car (mention of bringing spares), and so I would suggest finish off old set…if they are legal now then they should last you the day.There is a tyre fitter on site sometimes…it depends whether anyone has ordered tyres from Jonny, but he can bugger off at lunchtime and leave you stranded if you were wanting them changed at the end of the day.If push comes to shove there are a couple of tyre fitters in york that could help out.