Tyre Service for 29th April @ Donington?

Mr Pesky you are doing a stunning organisational job getting everything lined up for what promises to be a cut above the average track day (to say the least!)

Have you given any consideration to the idea of having a tyre supplier there on the day? If not, and if there’s interest, I know of someone who might be worth asking, just let me know.

Best regards,

-= mike =-


A firm called “ProTyres” normally attend the Tracksport days, & I believe they are scheduled for Donington. They provide a tyre/wheel changing service, plus balancing & puncture repairs. Although they do carry a stock of tyres, they won’t have any Yoko 48s - for obvious reasons!

Is the above, the type of service you were thinking of, or did you have something else in mind? Please feel free to make suggestions, nothing is etched in stone.

Approved by Rob also ?

That sounds similar to what I had in mind then, except I was going to suggest a firm (Tyres Northampton) who used to cover the Impreza drivers club days at Donington. It’s a shame we can’t have somebody there with some 48’s as I’ve a feeling I’ll need some by the end of it!

-= mike =-

Yep, Tyres Northants are the daddies at mobile tyre fitting, and did a sterling service during the SIDC era.

I’m on good terms with Mark + Elvis there, so can ask them… but it’s been a while since they’ve done one.

The lads were never paid for their time (the profits went to their boss) so it’d be a favour rather than a commercial interest for them.

Pesky, I’m being thick, why is it “for obvious reasons” that A048s won’t be available ?

Pesky, I’m being thick, why is it “for obvious reasons” that A048s won’t be available ?

Only that they can’t be supplied by Yoko direct ie Lotus still have the distribution rights (afaik?), so there’s bugger all margin in them for anyone else except Yoko & Lotus. If you want Northampton Tyres to be there, absolutely no problem whatsoever, just let me know for certain, & we’ll save “ProTyres” a journey on 29th April, okay?

Approved by Rob also ?

I really don’t know why Mike has added that to a couple of posts - they certainly don’t need any approval from me! I think he was just trying to say that he’d kept me advised of his negotiations with the circuit (& the hotel), as we’d had a chat with Garry from Donington at the Autosport Show last month.

Is ProTyres already booked (or pencilled in)? If so, that’s cool.

Yep, Tyres Northants are the daddies at mobile tyre fitting, and did a sterling service during the SIDC era.

I’m on good terms with Mark + Elvis there, so can ask them… but it’s been a while since they’ve done one.

Then you’re closer to the source than I am (I just know Mark from being a punter way back when, don’t even know if the number I have for him is valid still) but it’s all a moot point anyway by the sound of things. Can’t we persuade Lotus to bring some 48’s down though, seeing as they’re gonna be there anyway??


PS. Would I remember you from the Impreza days then? What did you drive?

Never took my green MY98 Scoob on track, but Stef would let me take out my titanium Exige X1GEK

Ah yes, that rings a bell (well, the colour at least!)