Tyre letter Painting

I know this one really divides opinion. I’m just about to put new tyres on the car and have been thinking about painting the lettering on the tyres for ages. Quick photoshop before I potentially do it next week…

(p.s this is a really old picture when the car was on standard high suspension, much lower now)

I like it, but haven’t got the patience to even think about doing it!

Post the pics when it’s done!

I’m doing it too :clap:

Prefer white though Chris, looking forward to seeing it. What paint are you using btw?

Dear o dear you two …

Gets more like seloc every day…

Jonny - Tyre art paint pen seems to be the best according to people on the net and available in various colours, £5 on ebay.

This is the 80’s all over again!!!

‘BF GOODRICH RADIAL T/A’… on Corvette tyres!!!

Looks cool I reckon… Esprit has done his R888’s on the bling TMR’s… :sunglasses:

the only colour to paint tyre lettering is…black


yeah I bought a tyre pen to give it a blast too

Thank you Chris :wink:

It used to look great many moons ago.

I met Mr Delonghi once.

That would be me with my MK2 Escort then :blush:

My rear tyres wear out so fast now it would cost me a fortune in tyre pens! :open_mouth:

Ok so I painted them…

I decided to only do the outline as I think it looks really nice and a little bit more subtle. I did two coats and its seems pretty robust.

Yeah…I like it
what did you use?

tyre art pen (designed for doing this), come in all colours and only about £5.

Colours seem to be a little out in the pictures above (photobucket seems to have lowered quality??). You don’t really notice a colour difference between car, calliper letters, badge and tyre paint in real life.

Took about an hour to do all 4 but i did it with teh wheels flat as i’d just go the wheels back from refurb.

I reckon it would take longer and probably a bit harder to do with them on the car.


:thumbup: Yep like it too Chris.

Yep, moi aussi :thumbup:

Much as I admire you recognition that it would be cool to be an ‘Aussi’, the fact is that you come from Bolton!! (or however you wish to spell or pronounce gravy :laughing: ) and you will never be one!

Not as bad as I expected !