Tumble weed... dilemma!

Mr Postlethwaite, I hope yer spanners aren’t going to wander :wink:

Well, yes! Using the ‘royal we’ at times!

Got lots done on the S1… and really had done everything, keeping the ‘K’ of course!

But need the handling and braking because I LOVE the track stuff! Outright power is less important than turning and stopping!.. as you know mate! :wink: [/quote]

Sorry mate had the day off busy doing nothing…Son drew 2-2 :wink: no dog poo to pick up but cooked a pucker dinner ANYWAY all I was going to say was if you have the patience look out for a Cat D or something similar (seems Marc’s on it already)and make yourself a keeper :sunglasses: S2 :smiley: You know what I mean…

Sorry, to clarify there is a chance that some cars you’ll be looking at will still be on the oe spec pads which will last about 1 day on track. You know what some people are like for doing no miles and keeping them in the garage and such. One of my mates is on his second set of tires in 7 years and only replaced as the originals sidewalls started cracking lol.


I don’t own any spanners :whistle:

Magpie? :confused: :smiley:



I don’t own any spanners :whistle:[/quote]

Hope your m-i-l doesn’t either! :smiley:

PS What’s the story with the hovercraft - I daren’t ask last week? :wink:

you never know when it might come in :smiley:

Thinking of moving to Cumbria? :wink:

Too many bends in cumbria for a hovercraft :smiley:

Corrected to reflect number of S2s :smiley: