Trial of event booking system


Given that events in Cumbria usually draw people from different forums and not everyone is on all forums I’ve decided to try a service that allows events to be booked / managed independently of the individual forums. I’ve created a dummy event to see what people think (to be clear - this is NOT a planned date or venue or anything come to that).

Link is and the password for the event is LotusCumbriaEvent003 (case sensitive).

Would appreciate anyone trying to register to see what they think and any other feedback. No cost to me or anyone booking. There is only basic event info there at the moment but it seems dead easy to use.


Paul, obviously that works…if you can remember to regularly log in to the website to check if anything is on the cards…which I won’t. Or am I missing something as usual?

No - the events would still be publicised in the usual way with a link to a booking for that particular event on each forum. What it does mean is that the organiser has a dead simple way of emailing everyone attending regardless of which forum they inhabit with event updates etc. There are some really clever features that allow emails to be automatically sent a set period before the event takes place and other such stuff. It doesn’t entirely replace the postings on the individual forums but it helps loads with admin.

The recent ESPCC thing was a nightmare with arrangements changing and me having to try and keep track of who I needed to tell on which forum and inevitably some were missed.

It didn’t help that I set the password different to the one I posted above (DOH).

Registered on this and got email confirmation received ok
Looks to work


Email from you now received as well

Yep got the email.


Cheers chaps.

Well the system seems to work as advertised. I’ve had people from SELOC and register for the dummy event and you have received confirmation - plus (more importantly for me) I’ve been able to send you all a message and confirmed it’s been received.

Apart from keeping the various forums updated with any significant developments it seems to fit the bill. Off to have a think now to see if there is a way to address some of the shortcomings that people have flagged up.