Training day


On one of the Exige forums a little while back I remember reading something about a really good driver training day that you can do with one of the (ex?) Lotus Engineers at the track in Hethel, or somewhere similar. If I remember correctly the chap who does it has also done a video as well.

Does anyone know the details of this, or know how I could go about finding out? My car is just about to go in for it’s first service, and I’m looking to do a day like this shortly afterwards before the winter kicks in.



The man you need is Andy Walsh (Walshy). He runs driver training days at North Weald which are good fun and you get to learn a lot on an airfield where there is nothing to hit. He also has a DVD. You can find details of both these things at his website.

He has had a few problems with retaining his bookings at North Weald which resulted in quite a bit of frustration for a few of us (esp Ian) but don’t let that put you off. Find a space on a 2 or 4 car day and get out there.

Tis true, grumble moan…

Infinately better driver than administrator!

You’ll certainly leave a better driver though, and pretty good value compared to some.


Thanks folks, going to try and get myself booked in for the 3rd November date.

All booked in, along with a chap in a 340R.

I’ve also ordered a copy of the DVD which I’m rather looking forwards to!

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

340R in November should be fun

At the very least I’m expecting him to turn up in a parka!

I’ve been thinking about this one for a couple of days: do I get my Exige serviced BEFORE I go for a day with Walshy, or afterwards?

All suggestions greatly received…


Personally, after. They’ll then check nothing bent with all the spinning and the oil change will clear up the afternoon’s revvy stuff.


Agree with Ian, but check oil/water levels before, & a couple of times during the day!

However, check the brake pads BEFOREHAND, you don’t want to run out of brakes during the day. It is worth taking a spare set of pads with you, just in case.


Would it make any difference if the service was the first one? Do they do anything special at the first service?

Aah, you’ve a new car, so an S2 owner will be able to answer authoritively. However, I’m pretty sure that the oil/filter is changed at the first service, & all other fluid levels checked . If that is the case, then it is important that you have the first service before the event, & you are unlikely to need to visit the dealer again (unless something is wrong!) until the next service date, although it is always a good idea to change the oil after every 3 or 4 trackdays.

S2 owners comments?

If you’re talking about the 1000mile service I think it’s very important. They’ll also make sure the car was actually made right and ready for abuse.

Obviously you’ll want to use full revs and it’s perhaps best to do after the dealer gives it the thumbs up than before.


Is it the first service (9,000 miles) or the aftersales service (1,000 miles) that is due?

If your car still needs the aftersales service then get it done. It will still have the running in mineral oil and you shouldn’t be using the full rev range…not ideal for a training day.

If it’s the 9K service then probably wait 'till afterwards (but do the above metioned checks, brake pads etc.).


Thanks for all the comments.

As the service is the 1,000 mile one I suspect I’d better get it done before the day with Mr Walsh.