Trackday insurance

Ok - so I am going to do a couple of track days with my '98 S1. I want to make sure that I have full insurance cover on the car just in case i accidently throw it into a tyre wall (or worse) but don’t want to pay through the nose for it. I am currently insured with Direct Line - is there a definitive answer as to whether I can get track day insurance through them or is there a better/more cost effective option? What sort of money am I looking at? Also, I have about about 15years worth of Kart racing experience & have done the ‘Lotus Experience part 1’ - would I be recommended to enter as a novice or intermediate or experienced?Any suggestions greatfully received.Cheers,Steve M

Having done a fair degree of investigation into this, the only cost effective track cover I’ve come across is Lotus Esteem.When I first enquired with them they were very expensive but now they’re using AON it’s much better value. The excess is 10% of insured value on the track and you need to prove you’ve had some track experience but all in all it was the only way for me to go. I’m paying under a grand for unlimited road mileage on my Exige with track cover (even now including Anglesey).Give James Caton a call on 01483 706051, he very helpful.Ian [image][/image]

I’ll second that. Service is excellent and James is very helpful.

James is the man!!