Track Preperation Part 1

but yes as Ian says I have a whole new K series on the way that is going to be a bit special.


Cheeky question, mate, but what would the “commercial cost” of this engine be ie parts/labour (either incl. or excl. cost of taking out old unit & fitting the new)?

Forgoten what its like to see AO48’s with some tread on them

Keep the updated comming. It will be like an version of Fast Fleet in Evo.

Cheeky question, mate, but what would the “commercial cost” of this engine be ie parts/labour (either incl. or excl. cost of taking out old unit & fitting the new)?

oh no, not again!

A gazillion pooonds!, about 2 for the engine and the rest for him to fit it!

oh no, not again!

Why is that not a valid, or relevant question, given the past outpourings from you know who?

I have no problem letting you all know the costs. But at the moment as it is a complete one off, it is not a “regular” engine that Simon will offer. It is an all out race engine (dry sump, special coatings, super light everything) the final costs are not known.

Bear in mind that even things like the crank and cam oil seals are special one off’s. One of the big advantages of using a dry sump is that you can have a vaccuum in the crank case, and basically the higher the vaccuum the more BHP it will allow. But this vaccuum is only achievable with the correct seals etc. The ones we are using are very low friction and will allow up to 0.7 bar of negative pressure to be achieved. These seals are �180 EACH!!! Compared to �5 for a standard seal. And vertually every component is differnt or special like that.

I don’t want to get sucked in to any of the Simon Erland politics. I am on nobodys side and don’t want to be.

Simon will offer lower spec 2.0 litre K’s. Mine will be as good as it can possible get, and the price will reflect that. However it will cost much less than the Judd BTCC engine and it is a far higher spec.

Watch this space guys, I will let you all know the nitty gritty, when the information is available.


As far as fitting goes, I will be doing all of that myself. At the end of the day it’s only an engine, so install costs would be similiar to any other engine.


As far as engine build / parts prices go. The parts are a lot. But the build costs would be simiiar to any engine. At the end of the day its all just pistons and cams and stuff, it isn’t anything special, so build costs would be comparitive.



No probs mate, & on that basis, what it costs is entirely your personal business, & need not be made public. On the same basis, you know who, can’t use your engine to justify his well publicised claims.

I’m 100% sure that your bespoke engine will be an absolute cracker, & when mated to rest of your mota …

Roll on next year’s Mid Engined Series

No, like I said I have no problem letting you all know, as soon as I know.

As far as Simons claims for anything, I don’t want to get involved with that. I will post the graphs for my engine as I think that would be interetsting for people.


…on that basis, what it costs is entirely your personal business, & need not be made public. On the same basis, you know who, can’t use your engine to justify his well publicised claims.

Not sure I completely follow you there?

Surely Simon had two claims (simplified). 1) the engine can be made reliable, and 2) that it could be done cheaply.

It’s a given the second one is a little mute in Sean’s case, but the former surely is up to close inspection (even if Sean has taken a few more risks to get a mighty beast of a power plant)?

I’d like to see Mr Erland’s build last well, not just for Sean’s benefit, then we’d have learned something (and before we all get excited, I don’t want to get into if it’s Simon’s thinking or not, just whether the way he builds engine is a good one).



I don’t want to hijack this thread. I’m greatly interested in following Sean’s progress - for 100% positive reasons, so I suggest I (we) leave Mr Erland’s claims & their reality for another time & place

I unreservedly apologise for causing a deviation to Sean’s intended purpose of this thread.

I embrace your sentiment.



velly velly interested… and like the others will watch with envy…


PMSL… superb


I don’t want to hijack this thread. I’m greatly interested in following Sean’s progress - for 100% positive reasons, so I suggest I (we) leave Mr Erland’s claims & their reality for another time & place

I unreservedly apologise for causing a deviation to Sean’s intended purpose of this thread.

Ya daft ol bat…


gie em it

Sitting in Las Vegas airport, totally drained!!

Can’t wit to get back home to start messing with the car again.

I have ordered the ally bulkhead, motorsport engine cover and roof, cut off switch holder thingys for the side of the car and a fire extinguisher system from Lotus. (Cheers Russell!!)

Evidently the bulkhead is a bitch of a job, both removing the original and fitting the motorsport all ally one. If anyone has done this before and has any tips, they would be greatly received.


do pole dancing clubs need security software Sean???

do pole dancing clubs need security software Sean???

The ones i visited wouldn’t take software as payment unfortunatly.

Well it ws a quiet week on the Exige last week. I was hoping to get started, but unfortunatly one of my friends fell down the pit at my new workshop and really hurt himself (was really funny at the time though) and although I always ment to fill it in, this really focused me on doing it straight away. So last week was spent filling the 5m long x 1.2m wide by 1.6m deep pit with as much rubble as I could get my hands on and then topping it off with 4.6m3 of concrete. Properly knackering man!!!

However my wallet took a serious bashing and I now have the following goodies ready to fit:
Fire extinguisher system
Motorsport roof
Motorsport engine cover
plastic side windows
plastic screen
70 litre bag tank (with internal pumps and swirl pot)
Ohlins are now revalved and resprung (650lb front, 700lb rear)
Ally bulkhead

I also collected my gearbox, Quaife fitted a stronger spring on the selector barrel. This has the effect of making the barrel harder to turn so the shifter only does one gear at a time as it should (Fingers crossed!!) They also freshened the box up while they had it in bits. Pro shift ran some bench tests and although these aren’t conclusive (the box needs to be in the car and under load for a real test) it all seemed to work as it should!!!

Will hopefully have an update tonight!!!
