Track Driving - Braking

Nice write up about braking in issue 19 of Track Driver well worth a read. It also features an Exige V6 in the photo :wink:

For those who don’t click through heres what I took from it:

  • Braking is the hardest thing to master, that you spend the least amount of time doing
  • Most don’t brake hard enough, example shows someone braking as hard as they think they can but only actually registering 50% pressure
  • When traveling in excess of 70mph its really hard to lock the brakes so apply more pressure
  • Plus stuff we all know like remove brake smoothly not just off to upset the balance of the car

Anyone got any other articles tips to share? :slight_smile:

Didn’t Martin Brundle once write something about treating the pedals as though there was an egg between your foot and the pedal? Personally I think his wife must be a very bad cook.

He should put is grocery shopping in the boot not the front floor well …

I’ve got a brake pressure sensor waiting to go in mine, interested in seeing the pressure curve.

Is there something wrong with your right foot?

Interesting article, i have been saying for years “it’s all about the brakes, bout the brakes, not throttle” ( cant get that bloody song out my head).

Two things that he writes that are all you need to really know and work with -


“Learning how to brake properly is a case of trail and error”.

“Ultimately braking can only be learnt through feel”.

Screw the brake pressure gizmo, get out and practice!

Its true it takes practice, but if you already think your at 100% you wont go beyond it. You may even be locking the brakes at points but not at 100% as you braking too hard toward the end instead of the beginning. So a pressure gauge or someone showing you will make you realise you can improve.

Thats the whole point of practice though, going beyond the limit and then reining it back in… A gauge will only tell you that you went over/under after the event has happened. Your foot will tell you when you should apply and realease the brakes while youre doing it!

yeah not disagreeing that practice is the ticket, just wanted to have a brake marker on my data logger and thought yeah why not do it as pressure with a £20 bosch ABS pressure sensor.

Walshy does some good braking exercises

I don’t know if you misquoted intentionally Gav :smiley:

Just how much you can trail-brake and how much speed you can lose at corner-entry is amazing on our little cars. Getting it right and really exploiting it is where you can make a Lotus fly. I always remember watching Gav Kershaw in MESC at Oulton literally taking car-lengths out of everyone under brakes.

If for whatever reason my car had to go back to stock (god forbid :open_mouth: ) I reckon giving up proper brakes would be really really hard. I spent a long time having brakes I did not quite believe in and it ruins your confidence and (for me) enjoyment on track.

I always find myself coasting into the corner as I have braked to early, looming gravel trap always seems to concetraite the mind!
Only places I seem more comfortable is the end of kemmel aand up the hill into rocket at angelsey, I have to thank Con for showing me just how late you can brake into rocket :wink:

Been thinking about where to go next with my car and another brake upgrade seems the next step. Bias is currently a bit too forward and in I never have to experience ice mode on the abs against it will still be too soon. Been looking at bias pedal box, but probably more likely to spend the money on track days instead.

Have a drive of mine at Anglesey and try the brakes for bias, just putting the 2 pots on the back made a huge step forwards :wink:

Interesting that you even SEE the ‘looming gavel trap’ Ade! Personally, I don’t even think about gravel traps, armco, or anything other than the road (track) that is before me!..

… I am pretty certain that if I did, I would never go around a track again!!!

Seriously, do you ever think about trees, hedges, ditches etc etc (well, perhaps Coppers!!!) when you are driving every day? Way too stressful IMHO and would be a major distraction from driving…

Interesting comment however mate… :confused:

Gav (both of them) certainly knows how to late brake. Being a passenger with Gav is terrifyingly exciting!