Track days - on a bike - with pedals

Anyone else ever ridden on the Velodrome? Since it opened I have been riding the Derby Velodrome and it is so much fun. The acceleration when you come off the banking at 42 degrees is an experience, especially hanging a few cm behind the wheel in front with no brakes. Dare I say, probably more fun than track days. Also, oldies can out pace the youngsters, so it’s a chance to get even (70 year olds going like crazy). Even better …you can overtake on either side.

If you get the chance, try it.

Does sound like fun…I do cycle,…but only to work and back. Gotta get fit before Spa/Zolder else I will expire!

Had a go on a taster session at Manchester Velodrome - scene of Chris Boardman’s Hour Record - and it is fantastic.
Very popular and we had to wait months ( as a cycling club) to get a slot.
You just need to convince yourself that the higher up the banking and the faster you go the less likely you are to fall off.
I’d love to do it again.
Certainly need to do some training cos I’m doing Land’s End to John O’Groats for the second time in August . . .

Herne Hill Stadium here, does that count?

Brilliant Steve, good luck and top effort buddy.

Just like town and city cycling then :unamused:

Dropping in of the resist is a very similar rush to Craner curves when you first go over 100, maybe more so. I mentioned it because, to me, the whole thing gives similar sensations to track days.

You can go really slowly and not fall off the banking…but not too slow or you look a muppet as you slide down, as someone did after our final test day to get accredited.

Thanks, Jonny. Looking forward to it( sort of)

Kilo to go, who organise the two “brutal grade” Spotifs I was going to ride have just gone bust. …maybe I will have yo join you.

Who’s on Strava? I love chucking kudos out there!

Hit me up. You can Kudos my recent Col (albeit mighty slow as I didn’t know when the top would arrive and when I’d bonk).

Strava addict here . . .

Add me on there and I’ll do the same…

Bobby Dynes :slight_smile:

Stephen Thompson’s the name

The wife keeps telling me she’s Queen of the Mountain! My retort is usually less flattering. gilly brown,eastbourne

Cool, all added :slight_smile: