Toyota Cylinder Head Removal - Timing Marks

Unfortunately I’m having to remove the cylinder head due to poor compression on one of the cylinders. Originally caused by a dodgy fuel injector signal, a replacement ECU has fixed this now. But now left with gummed up value(s).

I’ve got Lotus workshop manuals on the way, but will take a while to get to me. In the mean time I have a partial dismantled engine on the ramps taking up space at the mechanic’s workshop.

The cam timing marks do not match with the Toyota workshops manuals for the engine (2005). Its about 3 teeth out. The car was running fine before, I guess it couldn’t have been this far out since manufacture ?

Can anyone describe how to ‘clamp’ down’ the cams & re-align them ? I.e how to prep the head prior to removal ?

Any help much appreciated

Have you contacted anyone at fensport ?


Try ? there is a world of knowledge over there for the Yota engine

Sorted, Thanks guys.

Ronin on MonkeyTurner gave me the info I was after.