Top Gear's Hammond Injured

Fingers crossed for the lad

That sounds really serious .


here here! GWS!

Fingers crossed indeed

Not good. Poor hamster.

That’s really bad news - the guy comes across as a really nice, genuine petrolhead. His piece in a Bowler Wildcat must be one of the best cars clips in recent years - hope its not as serious as it sounds

Best of luck to him.

I hope the footage never sees the light of day, unless its on his says so, after a swift and full recovery.

Lots of worried comments & faces on the ten o clock news

Speeds of upto 280mph reported before the accident. Lets hope he pulls through.

On September 20 2006, Hammond was involved in an accident at Elvington Airfield near York while attempting to break the England land speed record in a jet-powered car. He was travelling at 280mph at the time of the accident.

see more web page


Condition just announced as �stable�


I met him when I went to the Nurburgring last year, top gear were there filming the transit going round trying to beat clarksons time in the jag.

Was a nice guy to chat to had a lot of time for everyone, hope hes ok.


Very saddening.

I look forward to the article where Clarkson and May visit him in hospital and tease him mercilessly about his condition. I really hope it can happen.


fingers and toes crossed for him

best wishes hamster and family

From BBC - “Mr Clarkson told the Sun newspaper that he had insulted Mr Hammond’s driving skills - prompting a smile from Mr Hammond.”

Must be something wrong if Clarkson’s amusing him!

Glad things are looking up.


He cant die he is the one that got me into cars in the first place

Update by JC…

I’ve just found the video of the crash

Looks very nasty. Definitley something went seriously wrong with the wheel.


now THATS funny!


news update
hammonds doing well!