Top Gear

You know what, I just don�t care that Top Gear has stopped being a car program, I just don�t, �cause that was pure quality .


Yep, great entertainment tonight

I don’t normally like their pratting about, I felt the roadlaying thing was just crass… but tonights episode was hilarious. Top stuff

I was crying 'cause I was laughing so much

Fat Stig

Fat Stig

You mean Roscoe P Stig. The credits were spot on too.

Top show tonight !

Mind you don’t suppose their method of getting the cow of the roof of Clarksons car will win them any friends in the animal welfare community !

I’ve always been a bit lukewarm about Top Gear, at least in its current guise with Clarkson, Hammond and May.
But watched tonight’s and howled with laughter at their antics. Ok, so it wasn’t a pure motoring show by any means but it was a hell of a laugh. Three blokes, just like many on here, I suspect, having the crack. . .
Then, the serious bit which, at the outset, they must have thought was a light-hearted dig at American prejudices.They deftly exposed Americans (and I suspect it is the great majority) as bigoted red-necks without the remotest molecule of either intelligence or humour (sorry, humor).
They added further to the condemnation of “the world’s most powerful and richest country” with a visit to New Orleans – still a disaster zone 12 months after Hurricane Katrina.
Great viewing.

(Is talking about politics and religion banned on here, like in any good pub?)


Sorry, can’t agree with a few points there! The locals were all “stereotyped” for effect (amusing though it was), & I can’t believe that the “red-neck episode” at the gas station was not all staged (again for effect, & entertainment).

I’m sure that if the boot was the other foot, a US film crew would have a field day stereotyping Brits in many of our towns & cities (notice how I avoided reference to places such as Liverpool & Cradley Heath )

Apart from that - as you were

Yep, It did cross my mind that the red-neck sequence had been staged. However, if it was, it was very well done. I can’t imagine waltzing on to the forecourt of a gas station in “Hicktown” and suggesting that they might like to take part in a spoof for British TV viewers even if you did say you were from the BBC.
And I did think the rather sobering comments re New Orleans showed sincerity and an appreciation of the world outside Top Gear.


I think that If the red necks had wanted blood, they would have got it, & we would have heard all about it in your newspaper

On the face of it, I don’t disagree at all with your comments about the allegedly large area of New Orleans left in desolation. However, I have no idea as to the real reasons why that is so, or to what extent, & priority, have other areas of Louisiana been repaired. IIRC the area affected by Hurricane Katrina extended over hundreds of square miles.

I shall avoid commenting further about US politics, cos they scare me!

I thought it was really funny aswell. I’ve been to a few mid western and southern parts of the US and I can totally believe the petrol station incident. Americans have a totally different sense of humour to us brits.

The New Orleans thing was shocking. The one thing I did notice though was a McDonalds still in a derilict state. You would have thought a huge company like that would have fixed there shops bck up in no time at all? Maybe it was a franchise store.

SO which was your favourite car out of the three? Mine was the pickup by a mile and I usually hate pickup’s

On more sober reflection, in future I think I’ll steer clear of political comment.
I just hope our American cousins don’t remember me if I ever get round to visiting Charlotte NC for a Nascar race. (It’s on the to-do list)

I loved the show although I’m sure it’s mostly staged. Great fun! I did like Hammonds quote about the Cadillac not being fast. Something about it’s not exactly a Lotus Exige

I think the reason New Orleans hasn’t been rebuilt is that the damage was not caused by the Hurricane itself, but by flooding brought on by the hurricane. Their flood barriers were totally inadequate and are now partly destroyed. The natural defense barriers have been destroyed by development in the area. It’s an enourmous job to protect the city and with huge potential environmental issues. They’re not sure if it’s worth rebuilding

i thought it was great entertainment indeed! and a few nice sunny days driving in the middle of winter, albeit on the tellybox from the safety of the sofa.

much better than the new season of swearing vegetable choppers oversteering around in the slush and rain of a british winter in that affordable car.

i lived out in florida for a while, and even in real redneck country in tennessee, and i can well imagine the redneck scene in top gear last night although it was surely staged… there were some no go’s bars in our tennessee town where our “local” friends told us we would never come out of. one imaginatively named “daisy duke’s”

squeel like a pig clarkson.

i thought it was great entertainment indeed! and a few nice sunny days driving in the middle of winter, albeit on the tellybox from the safety of the sofa.

much better than the new season of swearing vegetable choppers oversteering around in the slush and rain of a british winter in that affordable car.

i lived out in florida for a while, and even in real redneck country in tennessee, and i can well imagine the redneck scene in top gear last night although it was surely staged… there were some no go’s bars in our tennessee town where our “local” friends told us we would never come out of. one imaginatively named “daisy duke’s”

squeel like a pig clarkson.

Check your mail dicksplosh…we need to book the hotel for the Ring!

It does make you wonder how they can spend tens of billions on a war nobody wants to fight but don’t care about New Orleans.

is there much of the “black stuff” in New Orleans ?

haha thats funny but for the wrong reasons!

yes, thanks mate (intended).

[/quote] Check your mail dicksplosh…we need to book the hotel for the Ring! [/quote]

now we are booked up right? or awaiting confirmation?