Top Gear.
60 minutes.
One and a half car reviews.

I have said this for ages now and I am glad you have picked up on this! The show is utter crap and has been for ages now! Smahing up caravans, playing “lets see how far i can jump this rover 200 over 20 crushed cars” The show should be half and hour long and then they would not have the time to talk so much bull!

Don’t even get me started on Clarkson! why do people like this guy?

As was mentioned in a car magazine recently, Top Gear is just the renamed version of Last of the Summer Wine… 3 aging men who should know better pratting about.

Shame there’s not a good CAR show on TV

Thought it was quite good in parts - interesting to see what’s involved logistically in road building/repairs (although 10 mins too long), J Oliver’s lap of the track, & the crash coverage.

I think it’s rapidly approaching it’s “sell by date” (bit like me really!)

To be honest I think that they had to run this weeks show in this way so that it balance out with safe & dangerous

I think that the first show after such an incident was always going to be a bit of a strange one.

I really enjoyed it on the night, but having read this thread think I must be wrong…again

Don’t forget its not for Exige owners who know how to drive. It’s for the rest of the puddings who haven’t our advantages and therefore think that sliding around at 90 degrees to the bend in Clarkson style is the way to go, pity i’n’it.

better than watching BB

I too really enjoyed the show; I thought they handled the Hammond issue very well…At the end of the day is entertainment with some tastey cars thrown in…It certainly beats watching 5th gear for me!!!

I too really enjoyed the show; I thought they handled the Hammond issue very well…At the end of the day is entertainment with some tastey cars thrown in…It certainly beats watching 5th gear for me!!!
