Not sure if this has been posted before.
In the gold section it has Tiff racing in The Autobytel Series and then he reviews the S1 Exige.
Not sure if this has been posted before.
In the gold section it has Tiff racing in The Autobytel Series and then he reviews the S1 Exige.
Hmmm, can’t play any video…
Excellent site…
works okay for me…
Ok, managed to see it, just needed to install the newer version of Windows media player.
Cheers for that - first time I’ve seen the racing clip
It was a great race…
I was there !!!
what a great car, eh?
Cheers for that - first time I’ve seen the racing clip
me too… thanks again…
The winner - Mark Cole - was the advanced instructor at Thruxton then (had a lesson off him) and really knows the circuit.
Nice to see our car’s origins again, and don’t they just look great!