To SC or not to SC!

ps In fact I am about to order another S/C kit from the states to fit into N1 TUT, which goes in for a re-spray next week.


what was the delivery like from the states of the charger ? Prices do look good in dollars on their website.

ordered a Jackson Integra DC5 S/C kit direct from the States, and fitted it a couple of months ago.

I already loved the Honda engine anyway, 8600, IVTEC, bullet proof, good fuel consumption, but the S/C has transformed it. Had problems initially with shredded S/C belts, but this was due to fitting the manual tensioner in the kit, and the pulley being slightly out of line. Went back to the auto tensioner with a slight mod, and that cured it.

Did you read that bit


I did it directly as I had a friend to bring it back for me. That way no VAT, import duty, or any of the ways to squeeze money out of us.

It worked out at �1,700 including a K-Pro, as opposed to the �4K or so that it would have been here for the equivalent UK kit. And that would have been for the UK version which has an inferior inlet manifold, and 15hp less.


Thanks Tut,

Sounds very interesting indeed !

Whats the story with the inlet manifold - few people have metioned something about them

I’ll be at cadwell next Sunday also so will pop and say hello.


Quite a few have had problems with the UK S/C kit inlet manifold, seems it is liable to cracking, Andrew Kell is now on his third. Some are replacing them with the one that I have.

I ordered my kit thinking it was the same as the UK one, but it is actually for the Integra DC5, so has a better inlet manifold that on its own is supposed to give an extra 15hp, and it is also better cast. However the S/C body lies almost flat on it as opposed to vertical, and at first sight looks too deep to fit. It does though with around .75" clearance from the bulkhead.

If you are interested in a kit from the States, then drop me a mail to <[email protected]>.




Look out for an OAP with bare feet…


This shows the flatter fit with my kit.



If you do decide to go supercharged, be prepared to do twice as much fuel on a trackday. I could only get two sessions out of mine at Croft without having to hot foot it to the garage = 27litres in c.55miles

Overall though, I’d have to say the difference in the cars behaviour is staggering. The Charger makes a unbelievable road car and on track it is a completely differnt drive. I’m still getting to grips with it but find that throttle modulation is key. This trackday season is going to be considerably more expensive. Meh!

Hello all,
sorry for delay in replying, business trip abroad…
Thanks all for your kind words. Carsten, happy to see you finally bought a black S1. I am not “that” crazy
The AP discs problem is another nightmare. Just as info, the discs were already dead when i bought the car from you, fitted new ones and killed them in a few track day laps.
The car has had only one track day in my hands (and 3 other aborted one, not even doing a full lap due to transmission problems…)
BTW, the only track day I had is viewable from inside a friend’s Elise S1 111S race prepared. He is having a nice fly with another friend with an Elise S2 Bemani (265 HP), nitrons, etc… I appear at the very end
This is the last time I enjoyed the car

ze beast in action

The car is still at the mechanic waiting for new purpose made driveshafts. Engine realignement is on its way. Will let you know guys how things work out when I have some news.

‘The car is still at the mechanic waiting for new purpose made driveshafts. Engine realignement is on its way.’

I’d be interested to know how you go on with both these issues - Don’t think anybody’s resolved the drive shaft issue fully that I am aware of.

Point of reference; Its a CV or tripod joint issue, if it ever happens that is (!!) Overheating is the culprit.

My honda cars are going strong with 20k miles between them and I know many others without issue here.

I will use the winter to Neo-grease and re-boot the joints. An easy service item IMO.

I certainly dont see why getting new driveshafts made will help here? Seems to be an underlying problem I’d say?

‘The car is still at the mechanic waiting for new purpose made driveshafts. Engine realignement is on its way.’

I’d be interested to know how you go on with both these issues - Don’t think anybody’s resolved the drive shaft issue fully that I am aware of.

As an Exige/K20 (formerly SC) owner for 3 yrs, I love the car but recognize its shortcomings. I’m not a professional mechanic, but work in the technical area…and here is my view:

Colin Chapman’s Lotus fame for lightness is partly based on …if it breaks just after crossing the finish line, then it was just right…doesn’t imply long term reliability. And the standard cars are not in the “Honda reliable” league, most would agree. Keep this in mind when considering adding 50 or 100% more torque and power to the same production platform. Ripping out the OEM engine, transmission, engine management, cooling system, chassis mounts… no matter by which aftermarket supplier… is removing whatever OEM reliability you had.

We can hope for a good replacement kit setup, but realistically… there are not years of engineering time and millions of development dollars in these kits. These are “prototype” parts at best… perhaps the supercharger units excepted…such as the Roots is used by Merc, GM, Ford, etc. But the JRSC Kit installed on my car was not fully deveolped a couple of years back (read tensioner, etc above)and the rest of the swap other than the Honda were certainly prototype parts. Not to diminish your frustration Max and others, but I’ve been there too, and everyone going the swap route would be wise to expect constant care, feeding, and development cost of these cars… like a prototype. I’m sure upgrade techniques and parts will continue to evolve to improve the breed.

That being said, here are my personal experiences:
-never driven a K-powered Exige to know the std
-with K20JDM-supercharged first 2 track experiences were disappointing as my expectation of the high-revving Honda power was totally lacking. The mapping of the Hondata K-Pro was such that torque was on big from 3K to 7K…then the engine just seemed limp. I suspect 11.7:1 CR is an unreasonable match to SC…limits boost to about 6PSI and the mapping is difficult
-Doesn’t suit me, I prefer NA mode to stir the 6-speed box to wring every ounce of V-tec to the redline
-the pleasant sound of Honda V-tec intake was replaced by a disappointing SC whine, but that is personal preference
-my Honda driveline was installed such that the axles were at a severe angle laterally (1.5"). The usual axle issues, and the real cure was to reduce the axle angles
-this involves modifying the rear subframe and motor mounts…then moving differential centreline closer to the wheel centrelines. The offset is now .75" and axle reliability, with good grease and boots, is improved dramatically
-rear wheel bearings failed after 1K, replaced, but I plan an upgraded specification soon
-heat management of exhaust, oil, and coolant is extremely important and need careful development
-std suspension joints aren’t up to the new driveline, certainly for track use

SC parts sold. My choice to suit the Exige is NA K20JDM or K2.2 Hybrid pumped up to about 280HP at 9000 rpm redline. mmmmm… Enjoying the experience on my way to spanking some Porsche GT3s!

Interesting post TrkRat… can you let us know who installed your initial Honda ?

Interesting post TrkRat… can you let us know who installed your initial Honda ?

Someone in the USA per chance?

I purchased my car used as-is, and it was originally installed by Prototype Racing in America. I live in Canada, and I’m not really familiar with the aftermarket in the UK or Europe. But it seems the same issues I experienced continue to come up dealing with axle reliability, heat managment, wheel bearings, etc. So I guess prototyping is an approriate word for this Lotus/Honda hybrid community!

I just started dealing with the issues myself along with a close friend (more capable fabricator than myself… familiar story) and as time passes, I find more and more Honda OEM, race, and homebuilt parts end up on the car. Motor mounts, cooling system, oil cooler, oil pan baffle, wheel bearings, suspension joints, redesigned uprights, wheel bearings, brakes, axles, heat shields, exhaust systems, sway bars, springs/shocks, roll cage, aero… A true prototype development story. Not much OEM Lotus left except for a chassis and body!

Colin Chapman’s Lotus fame for lightness is partly based on …if it breaks just after crossing the finish line, then it was just right…doesn’t imply long term reliability. And the standard cars are not in the “Honda reliable” league, most would agree. Keep this in mind when considering adding 50 or 100% more torque and power to the same production platform. Ripping out the OEM engine, transmission, engine management, cooling system, chassis mounts… no matter by which aftermarket supplier… is removing whatever OEM reliability you had.

Sorry, but thats the biggest load of bollox I’ve ever read about the Elise/Exige chassis

I don’t know whose parts bins Lotus dipped into for wheels bearings and tie-rod ends for the Exige, but both my rear wheels bearings were toast before 10K kms, and the tie-rod rubbers are cracked, window winder mechanism fallen apart. That’ not exactly high reliability in my terms.

That being said, gut out the whole driveline package from a Lotus Elise/Exige … and you can’t exactly believe you’re going to have a Lotus OEM platform to support, no matter what its shortcomings were… now can you.

I don’t know whose parts bins Lotus dipped into for wheels bearings and tie-rod ends for the Exige, but both my rear wheels bearings were toast before 10K kms, and the tie-rod rubbers are cracked, window winder mechanism fallen apart. That’ not exactly high reliability in my terms.

That being said, gut out the whole driveline package from a Lotus Elise/Exige … and you can’t exactly believe you’re going to have a Lotus OEM platform to support, no matter what its shortcomings were… now can you.

I suggest you buy something German and souless, lol!

Don’t misunderstand me, I enjoy my car and plan to keep it for a very long time. But I recognise its limitations and shortcomings, which I accept and make corrections for.
The title of the post being …to SC or Not to SC… I have tried both on my K20JDM-powered car…and just trying to point out some reality to others considering an Exige motor swap. The more pumped up the tranplant, SC being 30 to perhaps 60% more torque and power potential, one should expect more issues to address on track use. So be aware it can be a lot more than just a question of bolting on the SC or not. More torque, quickest lap times, more issues, more expense,… SC for sure.

My preference is the high-rev power tuning of the NA K20JDM/6-speed CR … I find it is a great character match for the Exige chassis.