To change or not to change !

Hi People,
Iam considering upgarding to the new exige, but only from a financial point of view. I love both cars for different reasons but my 2001 51 plated S1 with 16000 miles has an oil leak gearbox rattle naff tyres and given the horror stories of HGF and engine blow ups, all of which costing many thousands,is it better to place my cash in a new girl. So my question is if i were to poll eveyone re expensive fixes how many would reply “YES I HAVE DONE xxx MILES AND HAVE THREE ENGINE REBUILDS ETC”.
Look forward to your thoughts and feelings.

Kind Regards,


Put a Honda in it, its the only way to be sure


Put a Honda in it, its the only way to be sure


And how big a dent did that put in your wallet

Well 35k of 99% track miles and everything is still stuck together touches wood

I’ve done lots of fixing but noway near the 13k differential between what I paid for my S1 and a new S2

Although it is sounding a little rough above 7k, I’ve got a feeling the gearbox is going to die pretty soon

My W reg car had a rebuild at about 30,000 mile, it cost somebody else over �3000 to do, although as it was originally a Lotus press car I imagine it led a hard life.


Yours is W 96 something something something or there abouts ?

I test drove that one at Nick Whales when I was looking and I thought a guy in the Midlands had it and sprinted it at Curborough a few times …

He was trying to sell it about 6-8 months ago ?

Hey jay, you only here about the bad stuff! Nobody posts to celebrate reaching 10,000 miles with the same HG; perhaps we should. I don’t think it is anywhere near a sub-30k mile definate for all cars, just expensiive if it does happen.

I JUST GOT TO 14,000 with the same HG!


Well my car has 10,300 ish miles on the clock and I have just replaced my head gaset today. Only cost me �60 for a full gasket head set, and �50 for new head bolts. I understand that maybe not everyone would want to tackle this job themselves, but garages can’t be chargeing that much to replace a head gasket can they???


It’s the damage that happens because of the HGF, or that causes it, that I think is where the significant money comes in.


Yep W96, thats my car.

It’s the same one that Tiff drove on the Top Gear review and apparently Jason Plato drove it around the ring as well.

However the previous 2 owners, before Lotus, both lived in Essex, so may not be the same car you are thinking of.

I dread to think how much I have spent on repairing broken bits on mine over the years. Can’t say I would want to swap for an S2 though, although Maidstone’s supercharged one looks very very very nice.

Hi People,
Iam considering upgarding to the new exige, but only from a financial point of view.

Not sure if the financial view is the right way of looking at it, I’ve just checked Glasses guide to see what your car might be worth, and this is a worse case scenario, if you only get book value for your car, and your going for a new S2 and dependent on spec you could be looking at handing over your car plus 16K, now that could pay for a few engine rebuilds.



i’m all boggo standard original (apart tyres A048 and brakes mostly greens but will be 1144 next) and done 31k miles including about 12 track days a year for the past 2.5 years — firmly grabbing the wooden desk, i have had no significant engine/gearbox/running gear issues.

Hi People,
Iam considering upgarding to the new exige, but only from a financial point of view.

Not sure if the financial view is the right way of looking at it, I’ve just checked Glasses guide to see what your car might be worth, and this is a worse case scenario, if you only get book value for your car, and your going for a new S2 and dependent on spec you could be looking at handing over your car plus 16K, now that could pay for a few engine rebuilds.


Or a Honda transplant and new suspension and brakes and a runabout for the Winter leaving some in the bank for a few trackdays

Still think the Audi is worth a look, but then I would !!

Lazy performance, dead quiet in most situations, and blows off just about anything without even bothering to change out of sixth !!

How quick does it blow off a set of tyres though?!
