TMR - last call

The group buy on Seloc will go ahead this week and it looks like EXige S1 wheels will be about £1800 all in and Exige S2 wheels about £1700. Still a lot of dosh but it’ll be the cheapest you’ll see for a long time I think. If you’re interested you’d need to put a deposit down now and be ready to cough for the rest soon…

I think everyone knows what the S1 wheels look like, this is the S2 wheel :


:laughing: That’s no excuse…

I can’t see them depreciating much at that price, you only have to look at the Speedlines, if you’re lucky enough to find any for sale.

Looking forward to my TMR’s :sunglasses: and then I can sell my spare set of Rimstocks

Indeed, can’t wait to see my car after its respray sitting on TMRs :sunglasses:

Totally missed this. Has the option gone for an S1 set? I have no idea what the S1 sets look like, I assume they are much lighter? The Rimstocks must be made of concrete. When will they be available?

Moi Aussi Tim otherwise I’d have been in.

i have received my S1 set :slight_smile:

Well…post a photo.

Are they ever, need an immediate answer Keith. Go to Seloc pronto!!!

Found a pm now! Clearly I do not go online enough. Distracted by a 911 933. It may mean the S1 needs a new home.

You mean the S2 has the go of course Keith :astonished: