TLF International Lotus Day at MBW/Brooklands - 8th May 2016

Back for its 3rd year, TLF are pleased to confirm that International Lotus Day will be on Sunday 8th May 2016.

We look forward to welcoming everyone back! We had 300 Lotus cars in attendance last year, would be wonderful to see you all again

More info/sign up - & find us on facebook for pics/videos etc - Redirecting...

This year’s special guest is Mike Kimberley and there will again be photo opportunities with Concorde & on the famous Brooklands Banking.

Defo up for it this year!!


This is tomorrow!

Just been to retrieve the badger and wow it’s looking stunning. Quick rinse and we’re good to go. I’ve actually entered it into the Concorse D’Elegance as the Exige S1 dropped out and I thought we should be represented! I don’t think I’ll score much for ‘originality’ :laughing:

Have a top day, along with the exiges TD this is another event I have pencilled in for '17.

what time you heading over ben?

Gonna be there earlyish…9:30-10.

Some fantastic machines on show today and what amazing weather.

As I parked up with the other cars in the Concours D’Elegance I realised that my machine had to taken a slightly different route to the highly polished P&J’s it was lined up with. I felt like a bit of heretic tbh since obviously originality is probably quite important,…oops :blush: My car did look awesome though and attracted a lot of attention and I really enjoyed talking to people about it.

Loads of GTE’s there, and the standout fave was this one. I think this is the colour that Gav tried to persuade me to paint me car and as usual with Gav iti did look epic,…truly stunning colour.

This old Lotus6 was fantastic too,…really felt like the predecessor to my R300. The owner had an LF1 and an R300 too :sunglasses:

I took this pic for JDS as he loves a bit of Carlton action :smiley:

Only one other S1 that I spotted, and that was SC-Honda too! I also had a chat with Escaper,…remember him!

Also great to see Ian and his daughter first thing :thumbup:

lovely pic!

Top marks for entering your S1 in the concours Benja. Loads of pics floating about of it from the day, looks great!