Tips on how to remove steering rack

I started to remove the steering rack.
2007 S2 with Sona rack (to be repaired with parts from Dave)
Followed instructions on seloc but
I’m a bit stuck at the point where I’m supposed to disconnect the lower UJ from the rack spline.
I’ve loosened the UJ clamp screw, and I have removed the 4 chassis-rack screws.

Is there a special trick to get the UJ off the spline?


Take the bolt right out of the uj where it attatches to the rack. Then its a bit of a wiggle and it should come loose. Theyre proper tight and awkward to get at though.

They bloody are but it does come out.

It’s out !

Once out it’s quite obvious why I coild not get the UJ off the rack.
I do feel more than a bit :blush:

The play found in the offside turned out to NOT be a worn out inner joint.
Some very clever person (likely the same one who has done something even worse with car - but more on that later in another topic) probably adjusted toe by unscrewing the entire toe link rod from the rack !

Here’s a movie of the thing.

Pictures High Res
