Time for a change

I have been lucky enough to have owned 4 Exiges since 2007 and one S2 Elise 135r. First car being an S2 Exige in Krypton Green, 2nd an S2 in Motorsport Green at the same time an Elise S2 135r in blue.
Next was the S3 LF1 and the last one being a Red Sport 350. All have been great cars and I have really enjoyed owning them :slight_smile: but it is time to move on to other things and have a change of direction.
I have met some great peeps over the years on Exiges.com :smiley:
You never know but I might return to Exige ownership in the future :wink:
So I don’t think I will be at Anglesey this year but have a great time everyone :thumbup:

Time for a Chav Pete?

No Pete :mrgreen: don’t do it.

Ok what you thinking buddy, AMG GTR… :wink:

My lips are sealed :silent:

Im sure it wont be long before your back

Whats next in the stable?

Such a shame, Pete, but keep an eye out on here for northern meets, although I’m sure the rest of the northern gang will keep you posted
Next car? My guess . . . Honda :confused:

The NSX does look amazing! :sunglasses:

Pete who? :laughing:

You’ve only had five, you need to show a bit more commitment! :unamused:


Something more mundane, I fear. But I’m only guessing . . . aided by a sighting near a Honda dealership. :open_mouth:

Honda Jazz :laughing:

Honda Jizz…

Is there a McDonalds nearby too?

I have been told the new Civic is very good.

Honda powered S1 Exige? :wink:

:smiley: Do you have those oop Noth?

Decided to buy a Honda 50cc step through with optional front shopping basket :laughing:
Keith has won the prize and guessed correctly :wink:
When I get chance I will post a pic. I am still trying to get to grips with all the tech stuff that is on the car :crazy:
Sadly jonny there are some McDonald’s oop North and a new drive through at Lancaster too.

Get some pics up then!

Bring it to Anglesey anyway bud :thumbup:

What? Of the McDonalds?

Yea Pete, bring to Anglesey buddy :thumbup: And I’ll have Big Mac and chocolate shake if you’re passing :smiley: