Thursday evening 23rd July..

…Yes, this thursday… Booked in for another evening at Donington… anyone fancy joining me ? :smiley:

I’m working on it dude,…I’m working on it :smiley:

A good evening was had…


Brilliant Dave

Fantastic Dave, really loved that :sunglasses:

You do look a bit lonely out there, what you need is someone to chase down :wink:

Yea, it was a quiet evening… still good fun and gave me a chance to try a few different things :slight_smile:

Ideally what you need is someone in an identical car to chase and have fun with :wink:

There was a supercharged Atom there, but his evening didn’t end too well when he hit the wall at the old hairpin :frowning: - the owners buddy was actually driving at the time too :open_mouth: :astonished: :frowning:

Ok bud,…you know just so you’re not lonely :wink:

Pretty much decided my plan,…will start a new thread once it’s nailed…

Eek on the Atom, was it badly damaged? Nightmare scenario, smashing up your mate’s motor :frowning:

It wasn’t too bad to be fair… it had been given an interesting geo setup :astonished:

Nearside rear wishbone snapped, nearside rear hub torn into bits, and wheel knackered I’d imagine… but didn’t look to be any chassis damage, must have been a reasonably hard hit though.

Great lap Dave, super smooth!!