Thommo's next marathon ride . . .

I’m off again . . . but not by bike. Taking the Exige for a run down to Corsica with the boys and girls of Nyloc, coincidentally marking my 10 years of Exige ownership this month.
Earlier in the year I decided against doing this jaunt but when a place became available at short notice I joined up. If it’s as much fun as my 2014 Nyloc trip to Monaco and back I’ll be chuffed…
Mrs Thommo has declined to join me, citing the usual, “lack of luggage space”, “heat, noise and people talking cars” .

Have a great trip and get lots of photos

Good stuff Steve, like your style mate :smiley:

Have a safe and successful trip.

Lucky boy.

What a mega trip Steve.

We are in Milan and there is a surprising lack of nice machinery so the Italians are in for a treat seeing your S1

Thommo - that will be fantastic. Can’t wait for write up/photos by you & SJW. How many of you/cars are doing the trip?

6970k - presume you are in Milan for the GP? It’s a truly fantastic circuit & you must have a clamber on the old banked bit - you’ll be gobsmacked how steep it is on the bends & how brave the oldtimers must have been.

Fantastic Steve, have a great trip. :thumbup:

A bit nervous, as last time, for fear of being stuck at the side of road. But nothing ventured, eh?
Good group of Nylocers, SJW, of course. RobD, Ishy, and M7EXG off here,among them. So with M7 that’s two S1s to amuse the natives.

There are 7 cars this year, 2 x S1 Exige, 2 x Elise S1, 1 x S2 Exige, 1 x V6 Exige, 1 x LF1
It could almost be an Exiges European Tour :sunglasses:

The tours have built up over the years after the 2010 jaunt with Pesky, when there were only the 2 of us. 7 is a relatively large number of cars to hold together, but everyone “should” know where they need to be each night. This type of touring isnt for everyone, for instance Mrs W would never consider it, since we rarely stay more than one night in any one place, and average over 200 miles a day.
It is undoubtedly a driving holiday, and can be quite intense.

Since I have a “portfolio” of routes, mountain passes, and hotels, I have from time to time considered designing a tour that could be opened up to lots more Lotus people, but I guess it would then become a commercial venture, rather than a holiday.

Awesome journey!

Just bliss then! :smiley: :laughing: :laughing: :lolno: :stuck_out_tongue:

Ha, Ha!
But I had to endure text messages from her while in exotic locations reminding me that “this trip is going to cost a fortune”