This'll bring a whole new meaning to a F1 crash!

Let’s hope Microsoft employees can get cheap grand prix tickets

So they can be put in stocks when the cars grind to a halt!

Well they had better ship in a few of these keyboards for the telemetry guys in the pits!



I think the tender was won by a Mclaren group company (Mclaren Electronic Systems) but it is being “Fronted” by Microsoft to make it look more respectable ???



Paid for, marketed, generally abused, etc

Are the drivers going to get a button on the steering wheel that puts them through to to microsoft helpline.

I would have thought that the’standardising’ of parts is just the first step towards turning F1 into F2…

I hope they don’t do automatic download upgrades and restarts!

Or a GP ground to a halt due to a virus outbreak

OK that’s probably enough,…we can probably stop there