This must be the only place on the internet...

…that is not discussing Brexit :eh:

Maybe we should keep it a Brexit-free zone,…well maybe until those cheeky Europeans have nabbed all our Exigers at a bargain price :unamused:

Yeah had somewhat of a gut full, it’s been a royal PITA at work



I was surprised non-one chipped in. Although I did consider airing my view, I thought it inappropriate

Is that a cereal bar?

Tim, clearly what you do in the privacy of your own office should be kept off this forum!

But seriously though, we’re talking football, right?

Everyone is being a bit cagey,…maybe we should keep Exiges as the Brexit free zone?

Probably wise :laughing:

VERY GOOD! (Says Ian looking for the Like button)

Haha :laughing:

Given the mix of location and ages on the board we can imagine a diversity of opinion!!

What does a fat bird from Barnsley do when she sits on a plastic garden chair?


I thought we weren’t talking about it

Don’t say cracker to a fat chick…or is that what happens when she brex a chair?

There is football on? :wink: