This anybody's?

Spotted it at breakfast yesterday, anybody’s here?..

I thought it was practically the law to make witty (or otherwise) comments about things other than the main object of a photo, but nothing, nada, zip. Tsch.

It says Marussia so i thought i’d give it a miss :frowning:

Is that a Carrera GT in the showroom behind :question:

Oh that [said casually], no it’s a Marussia. Pretty cool…in the showroom on the Lowes hairpin in MONACO “BABY”! ON THE BEST WEEKEND E-V-E-R !! - !! - !! [said less casually :smiley: ]

Oh I see [raises eyebrow…pause for effect], this was just a ruse to get us to prompt you to ask about your awesome weekend in Monaco [slow and knowing nod of head].

Go on then [long expelling of breath] tell all [resigned look]

Well, no, it was really to find the owner and see if he/she had had as good a time as me. You know, lines like “So, did Flavio Briatore ruin your picture of the Lowes hairpin too?” and “Why would Mrs Rosberg wear those shorts whilst trying not to be noticed?”

But if you want a GREAT weekend (to surprise your father on his 70th), take the late morning flight from T5 to Nice, hire a BMer, drive up to the glorious medieval town of Eze for the 2* Michelin restaurant/hotel (where you ate as a family 24 years hence), drink champagne as the sun sets over the rivera, spend nearly 5hrs eating 10 fabulous courses, get up and drive to Monaco for breakfast, walk the harbour and casino area, drive several laps of the F1 circuits, head back to Nice and stroll along the cote d’zur front watching the catamaran racing until the late afternoon flight home. Tick. :smiley:

It’s quite good fun to go there with seven Lotus and casually park up outside the Casino . . .

That does sounds absolutely epic Ian, what a fantastic son you are!

Strangely enough dad has mentioned that this week. :smiley:

I’d did think of that when I saw your pic. You’d have been blocked in by a Veyron last Sunday. :slight_smile:

Looking forward to a few Euro trips when the S1 is beautifully fettled :thumbup: and I quite fancy that ten course meal you speak of…

Count me in too!!

What you bringing…or are you flying down for the meal? :smiley:

[Having slight vision of you dressed as Stig following in a Toyota Corolla for the first of us to break down :laughing: ]

Nowt wrong with Toyota Corollas! :smiley:

I will be in someone’s passenger seat. :smiley:

Perhaps not that one…

Yeah, always loved the look of those.

I’ll never forget Carlos Sainz throwing his helmet through the rear window of one when he broken down about 100yrds from the end of the ‘RAC’. They had to get Tommi M back from the airport.

This is worth 5mins of your time as a reminder :

Good vid.