The83Man on TV

On BBC 1 One Show.

You kept that one quiet Mike.

…Speak to my agent…

To be honest, I hadn’t seen the final cut and I wasn’t sure what it would be like, but not bad I think.

hope the link works to BBC i player, feature starts about 20 minutes in.


It does work

21:20 for the article
24:10 for Mike

Damn can’t see it… only available to people in the UK Stupid bloody beeb.

Damn can’t see it… only available to people in the UK Stupid bloody beeb.

Your not the only one with iPlayer. I can’t use it at work because our internet goes through the Renault server in Paris so the BeeB site thinks I’m in France.

Well done Mike… Means I can go on for a few more years yet…If I can remember where I parked the car

Damn can’t see it… Stupid bloody beeb.

Don’t worry Frank, you aren’t missing much… not an Exige in sight, honestly!

Great stuff, Mike, really enjoyable, well done.