The Show, Rockingham 30th April 2006

web page - anyone going or know anything more about it than is up on the site?


Just to put it into context, it’s the trackday at Donington on the 29th, then a load of us are at Brands on the 1st May for the first round of the Mid Engined Series Races. Accordingly, will have to give Rockingham a miss, sorry.

Pesky - my geography must be off…but I though Rockingham would be a good overnight base between the Donington and Brands…just a dash for the M11 & M25 gets you there…

Also finally realised that I am booked into Bedford Autodrome on the Saturday for a trackday myself, so will have to miss out on “The Gathering”

I’m doing the LoT trackday at Rockingham on the Saturday and am going to the trackday show on the Sunday (assuming I have my dates right).

Also finally realised that I am booked into Bedford Autodrome on the Saturday for a trackday myself, so will have to miss out on “The Gathering”


you body swerving us then…

Unfortunately yes I am…comes from making committments to other people without thinking and I can’t back out now

Unfortunately yes I am…comes from making committments to other people without thinking and I can’t back out now

In that case, that’s the last time I give you a set of plug leads

Now you are making me feel really bad , I was really looking forward to having an anorak at everyone elses cars and seeing what they had done in the flesh.

Unfortunately yes I am…comes from making committments to other people without thinking and I can’t back out now

ya dobber…

yup…that’s me - if the evening event comes through i might see if the logistics work out for getting there.

What ? No Steve Green on the Exiges day ?

That makes me sad

and I was quite looking forward to seeing your latest toy…indeed I think that there has probably been more mods and changes in the last year than all of the others added up together so it will be a very interesting day indeed

web page > - anyone going or know anything more about it than is up on the site?

I’ll be there, and also on the Saturday as we (Lotus On Track) are running a trackday then. Then down to Brands on the Monday.