The state of our bloody roads

I am seriously concerned that come May when my baby comes out of hibonation i am not going to have anywhere to drive it without the fear of ruining a wheel/tyre.
Down here in sunny Kent, the A20 used to be a good blast early on a Sunday morning, but now, even on this A road, there are pot holes big enough to cause serious damage right in the middle of the road. :imp:
When is the government going to realise they cannot keep patching our roads up as cheeply as possible, they are fighting a losing battle. IMO we need some serious investment in our road network to totally resurface most of them. I am sure a little of our foreign aid budget could be redirected!

Well, since only 27.7% of motoring taxes (fuel duty and VED) were spent on roads in the last reported year - 2016-17 - there’s already a bit of spare…or should be!

Is that so?.. :astonished: :frowning: :angry:

Certainly is! Info here from the RAC Foundation:

Hear, hear!
The roads in Lancashire, Cumbria and Yorkshire are a disgrace. Especially bad if you are on a bicycle. Extremly dangerous if you hit a pothole concealed under the shade of trees…
i read somewhere that it would cost £9billion to restore the UK’s roads and take 14 years if we started NOW.