the real 190...

hello chaps,

my so called mates have ordered two shiney new exige s2’s. one of which is the s version. i have a horsepower inferiority complex forming as i write. After driving my exige against tuned elises,160-170hp maybe?with new cams etc, my car is really not any faster and surely not the 190 hp as one hopes to get with the 190 kit.

so what can i do. where are the most effective improvements i can make. after chatting with the elise lads here in zee germany the concensus is this.

1.time in the cams with vernier cam wheels.(improved torque and maybe a hp or two)
2.tune the cars setup using the origional GM ECU. (apparently possible to a certain extent)
3. fresh air into the airbox. ( more efficient combustion.)
4. throw out weight.( eat less pies.)

whatayallthink? this will cost a few bob but could help a fair bit. I look forward to your input.

thanks, mitch

so what can i do. where are the most effective improvements i can make.

Somebody might give to the technical answer (other than go see Dave Andrews), but honestly, the best advantage you’ll get is in yourself. Book yourself on a Andy Walsh ( day or the like, trust me, you’ll get quicker (and safer!).
