The new Exige CUP255

The new US CUP255. Look at the roof scoop! elise talk


much better!

That does look good.

Still needs a better rear wing.

Much better mind.

That looks great. All it needs now is a decent wing. Should at least be colour coded.

Still needs a better rear wing.


But I thought the roof scoop on the S2 wasn’t functional… is this extension pure cosmetics again or have they made it functional now ?

I understand it’s functional for all supercharger installs.


will this car be avilible in the uk?

If the weight really is only 1800lbs, that’s pretty good going for a factory spec S2. Should be pretty quick.


David - it is functional as it allows the airflow to be caught and redirected into the induction side whereas the standard scoop does not really catch anything, being too far back from the airflow over the roof…

will this car be avilible in the uk?


Nice motor.

Do you think that some of the components will be avalible for a Std exige s ???

David - it is functional as it allows the airflow to be caught and redirected into the induction side whereas the standard scoop does not really catch anything, being too far back from the airflow over the roof…

Bloody Hell Russ, you actually sound like you know what you’re talking about there mate!!!

How does it function with the roof off

will this car be avilible in the uk?

clicky >

What the newsflash doesn’t reveal, does the press statement. NO UK availability!!!

David - it is functional as it allows the airflow to be caught and redirected into the induction side whereas the standard scoop does not really catch anything, being too far back from the airflow over the roof…

Bloody Hell Russ, you actually sound like you know what you’re talking about there mate!!!

Sorry Mate, been on the Spar '05 again! Normal service has now been resumed.

What the newsflash doesn’t reveal, does the press statement. > NO UK availability!!! >

…so watch out for a limited edition Lotus Sport 260R in the next few months

Blimey! Am I really getting that cynical?

sounds cool

why no UK availbility tho’ ?

sounds cool

why no UK availbility tho’ ?

I’m sure it will be, or rather a similar version…Brendan’s got it right.