The Exige. a GOOD "investment" !

OK, so our toys are going to cost money to run, but on the grand scale of things these Exiges have represented good value for money.Early adopters paid �34K for their cars, but many paid �30K for theirs. I paid �29K for mine.3 years on, Dick Lovett / JCT600 etc. are selling 00’X plate cars for �25-26K.3 years motoring in one of the most exhilarating, accessible sports cars on the planet for just (10%-20%) �3-4K depreciation is damn good value for money in my eyes.Indeed, many 2002/2003 S2 Elises, loaded to the gills with accessories, are fetching far less ��� than a 3yr old Exige.A future classic indeed ![This message has been edited by Admin5 (edited 17 June 2003).]

Yep - I can’t think of a better way of getting more fun for the money (hmmn - maybe one [image][/image])

Sorry Simon…Have to disagree!Had my car ummmm 1 week t’mrow and Its given me more enjoyment, made me scream and shout far far more than the current Mrs ever has!..Come to think of it perhaps its time to trade her in for a racier model!!!

Prices are slightly inflated due to the summer months though, wouldn’t you agree? In Feb/March I was seeing them for sale for �20k.

But don’t get me wrong - its still impressive compared to how most sports cars plummet in price…

Prices are slightly inflated due to the summer months though, wouldn’t you agree?

Maybe, although given the Exige’s reputation for being a bit hot inside, I’d have thought Winter would be the best time to get one !

Dominic wasn’t thinkin’ of my missus!! - the Silva Machine sure gets the juices flowing

Average price on Autotrader website has risen about �2k in last couple of months . A matey told me quite a few are being shipped abroad at the mo’ - can only be good for residuals + most owners intend to keep 'em a while longer (forever in my case)

Well that’s good to hear.
Paid 23.5 over a year ago and it sounds like it hasn’t dropped much.
Hopefully TuscanS will follow in the same way…



Have you bought a Tuscan - behind one the other day - stationary - I’m sure ground was moving!! - sweet sounds! - what are your first impressions of them. BTW are you keepin’ the Exige?


Yep, just picked up a 5 month old Tuscan S in black on Tuesday.
Appalling depreciation at first, ours was virtually �10k off the new price with just 1400 miles on the clock

DEFINITELY keeping the Exige. The Tuscan is nice, but really the Exige is in another league as far as I’m concerned. God knows how much you’d have to spend to get a car that I’d prefer.
