That do you take to a track day?

And Ian, didn’t Brendan’s car have already uprated toe links and that’s the one that went?

Close, but no cigar It was actually Brannan’a car - you must remember Pippa?

Yep, sorry, Brannan, that’s the one.

And oh, yes, Pippa… Yummy!
Lap dancing trainee?

It was Brannans bolt that sheared


And Ian, didn’t Brendan’s car have already uprated toe links and that’s the one that went?

Pesky got there first.

Pippa [sigh], what a lady!


Whatever happened to Mr Tempest ? Pesky ?

Whatever happened to Mr Tempest ? Pesky ?

That’s a not very subtle way of enquiring about Pippa, isn’t it!

Answer is still the same though - I really don’t know, as I’ve not heard from them for a couple of years. I’ll try & contact them, & see if they can get to Donny

I’m a very happily erm, attached man I’ll have you know… nothing could be further from my mind…

I’d be interested to know what happened to their Exige

( That was convincing enough right ? )

I tend to take:

2x jerry cans of SUL
1x toolbox, tyre pump, pressure gauge, spare set of pads, jump leads, low-entry jack, WetWipes

What do you do with all the stuff when you are out on track? Get the missis to sit on them?

what you need is one of these… (bookings available for 2006…)


Post deleted by elise_s1

hehe, I put the car on a Brian James trailer and lug it around with a LR Discovery

Trailering it makes me a wimp according to the macho types out there, but at least I know the car will make it home ! (having been stranded outside Donington waiting for the AA before)

The toe-link was uprated… the bolt wasn’t…

Very cool, is that a two car transporter?
Anyone in Scotland, going to Donnie fancy going halves?

Don’t think the Smart could cope with towing a trailer
Anyway isnt that cheating?

The toe-link was uprated… the bolt wasn’t…

I deleted my post when I realized it was already pointed out by someone else…

The toe-link was uprated… the bolt wasn’t…

Yep, but scary how a non uprated bolt finished with a toe link upgrade kit.
And I think the one they sued to quickly repair it wasn’t top spec either, only what could be found at the moment 9and was later changed for the proper one I assume )

Very cool, is that a two car transporter?
Anyone in Scotland, going to Donnie fancy going halves?

Jamie, thet transporter is down south at the moment.
Or, do you have any idea of another one up here?

Happy Birthday you old git. 44 bloody hell!!! Properly going man!!


Happy Birthday you old git. 44 bloody hell!!! Properly going man!!


Hey Im 44 in February - its good age

Happy Birthday you old git. 44 bloody hell!!! Properly going man!!


Hey Im 44 in February - its good age

Bloody Hell its catching!!!