Test Drive?

I’ll be in the UK (London) in a few weeks and was wondering what I need to do to get a test drive of a S2 Exige?

I was also thinking of going to the car show in Birmingham - is it worth it?


MEAT…The Birmingham show is good,but it does get very busy particularly at weekends.If you want to have a good look round a specific car,then it’s better to see it at a dealers in my opinion.With regards to test driving an S2 Exige,I believe that there is a bit of a shortage of them at the moment due to Lotus being let down by parts suppliers.However,I think there are 3 or 4 dealers that do have a demonstrator.


If you can get to Manchester, I’ll be able to arrange a test drive for you, & also to meet a number of fellow Exigers!

In fact, why don’t you arrange to be in Manchester May 29th to 31st (Sat to Mon), so you can come to Oulton Park & watch the races (see thread in Meets section). I believe that Gav Kershaw & Hyla will be there too

I’ll send you my email address, so you can keep me posted of your schedule

Definitely go to Oulton Park and meet Kershaw. I also know of a great pub nears the Mancs airport that has the best pint of Boddington’s - Tatton Arms in Altrincham.

Hmm, how long of a train ride to Manchester from London? I can’t be there on the 31st - I’m flying home that day. Is there anything going on at the track 29-30th?

Meat, train journey on a Saturday would be about 2-3 hours, Sunday probably 4. See link for Saturday’s racing at Oulton http://www.brands-hatch.co.uk/race-calendar/event-details.asp?EventID=93

Just a thought, if you cannot make it “Up North” (which would be a pity) Wilsons have an S2 for sale on Autorader, if they still have it when you arrive, guess you could blag a drive. http://www.wilson-group.co.uk/

So, will fellow Exigers be at the track on Saturday? Is there anything happening Sunday?

It’s hard to plan this crap from across the pond!:smiley:

There is a 750 Motor Club race day on the Saturday at Oulton. I will be doing the race (although in an illegal car - I might protest myself for a laugh) along with possibly two Elises. See www.750mc.co.uk for more details - stock hatches are normally good for a laugh. There is also a test day on the Friday with a few of the Motorsport cars going…


It is likely that Matt C will be there on Friday with his audi engined monster…

Sadly I can’t be there until Monday (the AMOC amd MESCS race day) due to commitments at Silverstone!!

Have fun learning mike.

There was some hope earlier that I may be able to resurrect our Silverstone day! Fingers crossed.


That would be good!!