Surrey Run - Sunday May 6th.

Details are beginning to come together for this run now, so if you have not already checked it out, you can visit my site @ and there’s a link on the site to F&C database for you to register an interest in coming along.We have a 340R and Seven down but it would be nice to see an Exige or a couple more 340R’s…Look foward to seeing those who’ve already voiced their interest.Cheers [image][/image]

Count me in. At last, a Lotus meet south of Watford!.. this is assuming I don’t smack the car whilst at Wroughton the day before [image][/image]

Just to confirm that the start for the Surrey Run on Sunday 6 May will be from Bell & Colvill, just outside Guildford. There is room for approx 40 cars outside on the lay-bys, but if we have more cars coming I have a backup plan, keep your eyes on the web site: I shall be developing the route this weekend and as soon as it’s sorted, I shall be post it on the site.