Stripping powder coat.....

In the olden days Nitromors was your friend and it would rip powder coat off. These days the formula has been changed and it is about as much use as baby lotion on powder coat. However, I have found that a product called De-solv-it (available from major green and orange coloured diy stores) works. It takes about 24 hours with the part kept in an air tight bag and a soft wire brush to to get the softened paint off.

Useful if you are doing some minor restoration over the winter and you do not have a grit blaster. Heat it the other option, but lots of it, a blow torch.

My local (and trusted) powder coater has a large chemical dipping tank for removing paint, he uses it for stripping wheels mainly rather than blasting… Very effective!

As long as the item is not too big for the tank, I just take all my stuff up there and ask him to dip it for me and throw him a couple of quid… It works out much cheaper than buying chemicals and you don’t have all the mess and faff.

Find yourself a good local powder coating shop, they can be useful for taking it off as well as putting it on!! :slight_smile:

Try carpet tile adhesive remover also gasket remover …but I did not tell. You

Gav is correct. Last powder coater wanted £100+vat for a few parts for my Caterham, hence the Nitromors. I went to another, close to my home and it’s £30 stripped and coated. They work for Rolls-Royce and Bowler Motorsport so the should be OK.

On a sad note, Drew Bowler suddenly died on Monday. I only met him once when he let my then 11 year old have a poke around the workshop and some cars. He appeared to be a really nice guy. Younger than me - scary.