
I apologise if this is felt to be inappropriate(Donald Trump-style) but did anyone enjoy Louise Redknapp on Strictly as much as I did?
I think I may be turning into a pervert.
Can anyone recommend a counsellor?

Well, that one fell on deaf ears

God yes, loved it :crazy:

A man of good taste!

Steve you crack me up :slight_smile:

You should be so lucky!

I believe I’m suitably qualified…would you like to talk about it?..

Thanks for the offer . . .I think I’ll just have another look at it on catch-up TV to be sure I need treatment

Just go out and have a quick crank on your bike Steve :laughing:

Good idea. I am a fully paid up member of the Wafty Crankers Cycling Club

I’m just gutted Will chucked it which means I no longer get to see Karen, she is I think the best dancer purely from a technical perspective of course :smiley:

Mrs T is similarly disappointed about the loss of Will. Not sure she’ll be that bothered about Karen. . .

Not as foxy this week, but still nice scenery, roll on next week :slight_smile:
