Strictly Analogue

A strictly analogue start to the day…

5.30am pushed car off drive to try and not wake family / neighbourhood.

A slice of Fruit bread for a covert breakfast

An actual map

The Cotswolds

Near empty Country roads

An Exige

2hrs all to myself

Does life get better…

What a car, and thank you for all the morning traffic that stayed at home :sunglasses:

Sounds glorious, going out for a drive is one of the few things which will get me out of bed that early!

Brilliant :+1:

A sloped driveway stops me from pushing the car out and then I have to go back and shut the garage door.
Early morning runs or late summer nights are the best.

Awesome, pushing off the drive sounds familiar. I’ve got a peasant manual garage door so I tend to push mine out so that I can get the door closed before firing it up so that I can make a quick getaway :mrgreen:

My neighbour has a JCW Mini that has a fairly impressive cold start soundtrack so I don’t feel too guilty :laughing:

Brilliant, to my mind that’s exactly the purpose of these cars, find a flowing road free of traffic, nice and early does it :thumbup:

Fantastic! Sun still shining here (2.16pm). Might try to get out later.

Early is the way. I headed out at 8am this morning in the North Lakes. By 0830 it was getting busy, so cut short my drive, but i guess it is a Bank Holiday. Can’t wait until it gets quieter, we’ve never had so many tourists up here.

Fantastic! Yellow Exige on an early morning run - looks superb, :thumbup:

Did get out and even enticed Mrs T into the passenger seat. Ice cream and an extended ride home through the hills when I spotted a traffic jam on the A^ south . . .

Still great you got out and worth it for an ice cream :+1:

I’m having thoughts of a very early Sunday morning trek to Wales and across the Brecon Beacons I want to go up the Black Mountain Pass. I think over 2 hrs to get there on fun B roads and then a loop back, would be 5 hours of great roads but a LONG haul. But maybe my last big hurrah now September is with us…
