It’s a bit incongruous but here’s my S1 sandwiching an Audi A6 with a Lola T70Mk3B once owned and raced by Jo Bonnier in what looks like the back yard of a house with a rather cheap looking lean-to attached.
I was reminded of it as I was leafing through the October edition of MotorSport where the Lola is up for sale with Speedmaster.
The pic was taken in November 2012 at a Lancs Auto Club meeting where Le Mans winner Richard Attwood and sports car legend David Piper were speaking.
Amazing where an Exige can take you down “Memory Lane”
This image reinforces the size differences in a race car to a road going performance car to a luxury car!
I thought the S1 was small but the Lola is tiny!
Loving that Lola😍
The perspective makes the Lola look small, it’s actually quite a big car in comparison.
The pic above was found on iCloud. Here are a few more found in the depths of Picasa in case anyone is interested. If I recall correctly, the car was brought along by a father and son. I think the story was that they were in some garage our other and saw this intriguing shape under a dust cover. Father or son recognised what it was and bought it perhaps not realising at first its history.
It looks low though? Like its been squashed?
They are low…much lower than an S1!
The Lola is around 1m high, so under 40 inches - roughly 6 inches less than an S1 Exige.
If you want to see crazy low, look out for the original Shadow Can-Am car, which ran on 10" (ie. Mini dia.) wheels and the driver’s feet were splayed out sideways…all dwarfed by the huge V8 engine!!