stops the google links please

as above why the nasty links

^^ Yeah, what he said.

And now they’re in my post! HELP!

Have to agree…think they are nasty…

I thought they are the ones up in the banner, but now they are infesting the posts like some poxy american ricer site.

Dear Mr. Admin, please get rid.

PS. I still need those stripe measurements

They seem relatively inoffensive to me. Better than the old eBay ones we used to have.

They seem relatively inoffensive to me. Better than the old eBay ones we used to have.

I prefer them down the right hand side of the last post but its worth remembering that hosting cost time and money and there is no harm in admin-spods trying to make some of it back through adsense.

If you lot weren’t so sexually uptight and clicked on his soft porn banner ads more he might not have to do it

Gotta love Adblock …

They seem relatively inoffensive to me. Better than the old eBay ones we used to have.

I found the ebay ones useful. Picked up a few bargain bits Not sure my wife would agree though, “what do you need more wheels for?”

I suspect they may help pay towards the upkeep of the site.