
Good turn out of Exiges today at Stoneleigh, 7 at least. SW Lotus had a Laser Blue MotorSport Spec Exige for sale �23k, 0 miles - couldn’t help thinking - it well, looked a bit lacking… Was in red M100 going North up M1 at Leicester, who overtook me in Gunmetal - think (not v good at colours Pesky!!!) Exige? - you do realise you were substantially in excess of the legal speed limit!!! - what a beautiful sound tho’.Show was ok but still is geared to older models, busiest stand was Eliseparts. SW Lotus had some good tyre deals tho’.[This message has been edited by simon (edited 17 November 2002).]

�23k for brand spankers!?!! Blime!I saw a Laser Blue on the A33 on Saturday afternoon heading South from Reading (anybody?) and liked it more than I had previously. Perhaps they have to be moving to appear at their best? Although I’m with you on Gunmetal being best! [image][/image]Ian [image][/image]

quote:Lotus had a Laser Blue MotorSport Spec Exige for sale �23k, 0 miles - couldn’t help thinking - it well, looked a bit lacking… Are you referring to the one on the stand ?? That was a very iffy looking car.The dash had been replaced, a rollcage fitted, the tyres changed, a motorsport rear hatch fitted… gorgeous (see: hideous) anodised dust caps… even the black intakes in the rear haunches had been painted black. It was a bit of a Frankestein.0 miles on the clock maybe, but it certainly looked like it had a hard life before the mileometer was connected.

I think it the car that was at the Lotus factory the other week. It was going to France but the guy that placed the order did not come up with the balance and the factory want to sell the car ??Who is selling the car ?

TonySW Lotus are actually selling car. Admin5 found 0 miles difficult to believe myself. Engine certainly had seen more than test bench!! Looked as tho’ it was a ‘bitsa’ car.

The bag of bits made into a car was for sale by the South West Lotus Centre.A picture of it can be found at:

Simon,It was me in Titanium Exige on M1.You must have a fault on your speedo because the Stack instruments were only Showing 68mph!Check out the picture of the yellow Elise on it’s wearing one of our diffusers, Looks excellent. More Elise’s with diffusers in the future me thinks.(slighty shorter not so outrageous ones for the Elise are in the design stages)Will be a Donington on the 21st taking more orders (Hopefully).Keep finger’s crossed for a dry day!Cheers Steve.