I have not been able to locate an old wing and end plates - starting to get desperate.

Much though I’d love a new Reverie wing I cannot spare that amount of cash. Surely someone must have something in a garage somewhere!!

01353-721188 if you can help!


Anyone had experience of these

I know that Steve Gugliemi has used this one on the Audi-powered demonstrator they had at the racing car show. Bit naff but cheap!!

Anyone had experience of > these >

I know that Steve Gugliemi has used this one on the Audi-powered demonstrator they had at the racing car show. Bit naff but cheap!!

Compare it to the price of the Plans Wing and ask yourself that question again.

Looks like something found in the back of Max Power…not that I would know, you would need to ask Junks that one

Can’t find the Plans wing on their website - where is it?? More to the point is it theirs or is it the Reverie?



The Plans wing is the same as the Lotus Motorsport one (IIRC around �800 without mounting brackets)


That’s more than I have to spend at the moment, hence looking second hand. The Max Power :slight_smile: alternative could be a temporary solution (also sold by Demon Theives, and as I say it’s on the Gugliemi Elise). To be honest close up it doesn’t look too bad a profile given I’m not looking at a high downforce configuration - I’m more concerned about fatigue and strength.

Who knows - maybe I’ll find an ex-MS wing before it’s too late.

I’ve seen that Etech wing in Halfords, between the neons and the dangly air freshners. And no I’m not joking. Don’t do it.

What about the Eliseparts Elise wing - anyone have any experience? This is the enlarged picture. It is for use on an Elise after all.

I have also been offered a really good ex-Group C wing … but with a 30cm chord, together with mountings and end plates. It would certainly generate some downforce …