Stickers stickers… are they available?

I think I still have some, from the batch I had made a few years ago.

I’ll have a couple as well if that’s okay Sean, should you find any :slight_smile:

I better start mooching through my loft

Let me know, I’m after two.

I have two or three available in black.

If anyone has a contact who can do cut vinyl stickers I have the artwork in vector format. I think Martin said that he’d found a neighbour with a machine…

How much for two Tim?
Mr Fish should have first dibs so I’m not jumping the queue!

How does free sound?

That sounds great sir. Will send you a message with my address.

Perhaps we should get some made up in different colours?

I vote Tim in charge of all future merchandise pricing.

Received today, thank you.

My wife has a vinyl cutting machine and can cut the stickers if required… She has made a few one off’s and specials for some MLOC members

She is not running a business and does it as a hobby etc. and I’m not trying to muscle in on anybody else’s project, just an offer if your stuck.


PS - she would need the artwork and permission from the artwork owner / directors

Do you have one left over Tim?

I do, but it is a tad smaller than the two I sent to John.

Another hobbyist with a vinyl cutter here. If you post up the vector it’s very easy to do. Just cover cost of time/materials/postage.

I will need some after the respray :wink:

I have the Exige S1 logo, the exiges logo and logo in vector form. If anyone with a cutter wants them then let me know.

I may also have another requirement for a small number of stickers for something else if one of the hobbyists is willing???

I’ve got the logos for the car, doing a set for someone local who’s getting paint. I don’t have the site logo but will drop you a pm

PM sent - Cheers Andy