Steering wheel type matters (non-Exige).

Well, after 380 odd miles, and the best part of 7 hours travelling, my big bro is now the proud owner of a new Ka, I on the other hand, am now the proud owner of a very numb bum.

Nevertheless, he�s got a very nice little car, except for one thing…

The steering wheel (which I believe is leather) has gone kinda bobbley and wrinkled, it�s not a big deal, but it�s one of those things you don�t really want.

Basically, I was wondering if I could pick your collective brains, as we are somewhat clueless when it comes to stuff like this. The way we see it is:

a) We get a replacement wheel, but, how tricky is it going to be to replace a wheel with an airbag, like for like.

b) We get the steering wheel reupholstered, but where can this be done, and, very roughly, how much would it likely cost.

Any ideas or input would be hugely appreciated, as, to be frank, we�re not sure what to do. Also, sorry for the non-Exige content, but you lot tend to know what you�re talking about.


Probably be more help than us lot…

You sure it’s not a build-up of glue or the like? Happened on my Puma and cleaned off with some white spirit.


I registered for them like a month ago, but I can�t get on .

Ian, come to think of it, your most probably right, I�ll go and have a look .
