Stack Unit

The needle on the speedo has come off. Anyone know who to contact to get this unit fixed. Or does anone have a stack unit for sale? thanks

Some people have managed to open the unit and stick the needle back on…

Stack themselves are based in Bicester, but don’t know if they would want to help.

Alternatively, this sounds like a job for Junks, the friendly buyer, breaker and (sort of) rebuilder of crashed Elises. He’ll almost certainly have one. Send him a U2U on here or Seloc.

Needles in hay [color:“red”] STACKS [/color] , anyone?

thanks alex. i have the unit out the car but no sign of how i can get the front perspex off. thanks for help

Some early one are glass, the rest are plastic and just prise off.

thanks alex. i have the unit out the car but no sign of how i can get the front perspex off. thanks for help

can you post some pics of the unit, especially the connections at the rear?

One on ebay right now…


Thanks guys. i will see if i can get some pics done later. i think the front is plastic not glass so can this be prised off?

Any idea how perspex can be prised off. Have tried with a stanley knife but no go. HELP
Thanks Steve

I did here you can cut the seal with a razor blade, but i haven�t had to try it.


You could try and PM “exgtir” i know when i looked at the car he bought it had the same problem, i take it he fixed it.

Good luck

exgtir has come up trumps with how to get perspex off. speedo needle now back on, all fingers still intact after using razor blade and ready to go back in car. saves the day Thanks guys. Steve

Nice one, glad you sorted it ok .